Inclusive Visual Storytelling for Women:
A Practical Guide to Promote Diversity in the "New Norm"
70% of women still don't feel represented in the media and advertising they see day‑in and day‑out*
If advertising aligned with the real world, imagine the potential.
Getty Images and SeeHer/ANA, a movement for increasing accurate portrayals of women in marketing, advertising, media and entertainment, have now joined forces in their respective missions to change the way women are featured in the media. From this partnership and our shared insights, a diversity guidebook has been created.
This guidebook is a vital resource to help marketers craft unbiased, effective advertising for women with measurable results. Filled with essential details to consider when developing projects, this guidebook will ensure a prescriptive approach to inclusive visual storytelling for women in today’s world.
Join our mission to create a more inclusive world through media. Doing good is good for business and we can prove it.
Creative Keyword Inspiration
Searches are most effective when description keywords are combined with specific subjects. Below is a sample of different types of keyword combinations that will help you find the creative content you need. Explore these terms and look at keywords on the images you like for more ideas. You will also find a selection of pre‑assembled boards for inspiration.


Helpful practice to promote diversity
Women only AND looking at camera Results
Female Authenticity Results
Diversity AND business AND leadership Results
Multicultural group NOT family AND celebration Results Note: Multi‑ethnic group and Mixed Race Group returns similar results.
Inspiration Women Results
Female empowerment (also Feminism) Results
Female Authenticity Results
Diversity AND business AND leadership Results
Multicultural group NOT family AND celebration Results Note: Multi‑ethnic group and Mixed Race Group returns similar results.
Inspiration Women Results
Female empowerment (also Feminism) Results
Check out our Diversity & Inclusion Search Guide for more search tips and keyword inspiration.
*Source: Impact of Beauty Stereotypes study, Edelman Intelligence.